Embeded Systems

Embedded Systems are omnipresent in our daily lives, in the form of all the devices that we use. Wireless phones, television, electronic devices, home appliances, office equipment and several other products have embedded software in them.

ExemplarIT Inc offers consultancy services in the following embedded systems domain:

 Product Engineering
 Embedded Software Development
 Electronics Design
 Verification and Validation
  Embedded system solutions
 Software development for cellular phones, PHs's and mobile data terminals
 Software development for home information devices
 Software development for automobile data terminals and control equipment and units
 Software development and license sales for embedded OS’s, middleware, drivers and other software as well as sales and support for the development environment
 Sales and engineering services for Java VM
 Development of LONWORKS system and sales of related products
 Board design, manufacturing and FPGA development
 Digital network solutions
 Development of tools to create digital broadcasting program contents
 Development and building of the interactive service system and automated broadcasting contents updating system
 Production of data broadcasting contents (Interactive service contents, automatically updated contents and coupled program contents)
 E-commerce system building and e-commerce package
 Security service
  Web application building service

Core Values
